On December 3, 2018, LACMA Art + Technology Lab grant recipient Tavares Strachan launched his project ENOCH into space. Created in collaboration with LACMA, Strachan’s ENOCH is centered around the development and launch of a 3U satellite that brings to light the forgotten story of Robert Henry Lawrence Jr., the first African American astronaut selected for any national space program. In this new body of work, Strachan combines hidden histories, traditions of ancient Egypt, Shinto rituals and beliefs, and the history of exploration.


Purls of Wisdom: The Geometry and Topology of Weavables, Wearables and Wallpaper – Elisabetta Matsumoto

Source: Purls of Wisdom: The Geometry and Topology of Weavables, Wearables and Wallpaper – Elisabetta Matsumoto – MediaSpace @ Georgia Tech

Quantum Mechanics Suggest about Our Perceptions of Reality?


“We are not just saying that if you know the position of the electron, then you don’t know whether or not it’s moving.  We’re saying that if the electron has some position, then it does not have any state of motion.  What could this possibly mean?  Nobody is quite sure.“

Quantum food for thought.



Thought it might interest some to see how FFT works.


“Natural phenomena we can relate to, like sound waves, heat transfer, weather patterns, and those of a more esoteric sort, like quantum particle interactions and cosmic objects moving through gravitational fields governed by general relativity, can all have their interactions approximated by classes of functions called orthogonal functions.”

Source: Video explaining Fourier Transform Used in Spectrum Analysis