Scientists have reversed the direction of time with a quantum computer. The breakthrough study seems to contradict basic laws of physics and could alter our understanding of the processes governing
Tag: senses
Thought it might interest some to see how FFT works.
“Natural phenomena we can relate to, like sound waves, heat transfer, weather patterns, and those of a more esoteric sort, like quantum particle interactions and cosmic objects moving through gravitational fields governed by general relativity, can all have their interactions approximated by classes of functions called orthogonal functions.”
Source: Video explaining Fourier Transform Used in Spectrum Analysis
There is no such thing as philosophy-free science; there is only science whose philosophical baggage is taken on board without examination.[71]
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, 1995
“The progression of a painter’s work, as it travels in time from point to point, will be toward clarity: toward the elimination of all obstacles the painter and the idea, and between the idea and the observer.”
The recipe of a work of art – its ingredients – how to make it -the formula.
- There must be a clear preoccupation with death – intimations of mortality…Tragic art, romantic art, etc., deals with the knowledge of death.
- Sensuality. Our basis of being concrete about the world. it is a lustful relationship to things that exist.
- Tension. Either conflict or curbed desire.
- Irony. This is a modern ingredient – the self-effacement and examination by which a man for instant can go on to something else.
- Wit and play…for the human element.
- The ephemeral and chance…for the human element.
- Hope.10% to make the tragic concept more endurable. I measure these ingredients very carefully when I paint a picture. It is always the form that follows these elements and the picture results from the proportions of these elements.”
Mark Rothko Art Center